Didn't get to finish, so it's basically just a rudimentary ant sim instead of the moody survival game I envisioned.

This is a Ludum Dare 53 entry, made entirely within 48 hours. The theme was "delivery".


  • wasd / arrows : movement
  • space : toggle pheromone type
  • q : quit*

* note: to re-start the web build, you're going to need to refresh the page.


Keep the colony alive by making sure the amount of food brought in exceeds the rate at which it's being consumed.

You can get a rough idea of how much food is left by entering the nest and just looking around. This is the only reason to enter the nest aside from pausing the timer, as the food doesn't get consumed while you're inside.

You can't deliver enough food by yourself, so make sure to mark the way to any heaps you find using the appropriate pheromone markers.

The white "home" markers don't just help you find your way back, the others rely on them as well. Your brethren are nearly blind without markers to guide them.


linux 2.8 MB
windows 3.1 MB


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cool game with a lotta potential :D